Rabu, Agustus 14, 2013

Jadi, kenapa sih ?
Orang-orang ini selalu meributkan dan mengomentari semua tentangku tanpa ku minta.
Semuanya..Atas alasan " Kepedulian " kata mereka.
So what ?
Aku sudah terima semua kekurangan & kelemahanku, mengenal diriku sampai sedetail-detailnya.
Terus kenapa mereka yang berisik ?
Sesuatu seperti " Orang lain adalah cermin diri kita  ".. I don't believe it.
Selama ini yang mereka lakukan hanya menggangguku.
Just it ! Hanya itu saja, mereka tak membantuku atau setidaknya, ada saat ku butuhkan.
Jadi, kenapa aku harus mendengarkan apa kata mereka ?

Mom, Dad, and my little sisters too..
I am sorry because i am not being your ideal daughter and big sister yet. A mature, cheerful, beautiful, smart, friendly, and other ideal charracters.
I am selfish, lonely, childish, ugly and fat, stupid, crazy, and..and...and...and..... being so many bad habit.
This is me...This is me...This is me... Only me, Always only me.
I don't understand, if you all is really really my family, please act like that.

I never demand u for being my side, or advice me, or laugh and cry with me..
Never,, Because it was too late. 
Before this, there were times when i do hope that all of my fairy tale, especially a happy family existed for me.. The family that always be my home,,
I don't blame anyone of you for " The me " now. I just can't believe of this bull***t again.

Now, I am only hope that you can acceptance me as me.
That's it. And leave me alone in my world. Please don't do or say anything stupid in the name of " your own goodness " again. Because we'll just hurt each other.
Just it..
It is not that difficult, isn't it ??????

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This is virtual world. Tapi, inilah tempat yang justru membuat diri kita bisa sejenak melepaskan topeng-topeng dan jubah kepalsuan di dunia nyata. So, this is the real me, yang tak pernah ku tunjukkan kepada kenyataanku. Mari saling berbagi dan bercerita tentang hidup. Feel free to leave your comment. I am not too creative to reply the comments. So, sometimes i don't reply it. But, Please believe that i definitely read your single comment and really appreciate it.