Kamis, Agustus 18, 2011

The Soundtrack Of My Life

Buat orang yang suka musik, apalagi remaja..biasanya suka banget mengsoundtrackan lagu bwt kehidupan sehari-hari mereka..
Kalo lgi seneng,happy,jatuh cinta, bahagia..pokoknya smua itu lah,,pasti senengnya ngedengerin lagu yang ceria,manis,ngebeat,malah mungkin ngerock..hehehe,,
Terbalik 360o bwt yg lagi Bete,patah hati, sedih,duka,moodnya pasti ngedengerin lagu yang mellow, sedih, cengeng, meratap2...hehehe...
Lagu2 soundtrack itu juga bisa ngingetin Qt pas masa2 bekennya lagu itu.. Contohnya aQ sendiri, kalo pas lagi ngedengerin lagunya NineBall yang Hingga akhir waktu, bakal langsung inget masa2 perpisahan pas SMA, lagunya Once yang Dealova pasti selalu ngingetin saat masih klas 1 SMA n lgi culun2Ny,,,
Itu cuma sebagian ajah, coz karena aQ suka musik, setiap moment dalam hidupQ pasti ad laguNy,,

Jadi,,di memory cardQ penuh ma lagu2 lama yang pernah jdi soundtrack hidupQ itu,biar bisa didengerin dmna aj,kapan aj, bagaimana aj,,,Dengan gtu,,Qt bisa inget masa2 Qt ketawa dulu, nangis, sedih, & segala pengalaman2 masa lalu,,

Tapi ada satu lagu yang dari dulu mpe sekarang always exist on my soundtrack life playlist..
tau g lagunya Evanescence yang bring me to life...
Liriknya kaya gini nih,,,

how can you see into my eyes like open doors
leading you down into my core
where I’ve become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
until you find it there and lead it back home

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
before I come undone
(Save me)
save me from the nothing I’ve become

now that I know what I’m without
you can't just leave me
breathe into me and make me real
bring me to life

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
before I come undone
(Save me)
save me from the nothing I’ve become

Bring me to life
(I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside)
Bring me to life

frozen inside without your touch without your love darling only you are the life among the dead

all this time I can't believe I couldn't see
kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
I’ve been sleeping a thousand years it seems
got to open my eyes to everything
without a thought without a voice without a soul
don't let me die here
there must be something more
bring me to life

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
before I come undone
(Save me)
save me from the nothing I’ve become

(Bring me to life)
I’ve been living a lie, there’s nothing inside
(Bring me to life)
Enak bnget kan lagunya??? G lgi senang atau sedih,,tu lagu wajib jadi mkanan sehari2 aQ..
Klo soal bandnya yang nyanyi sih aQ g fanatik..malah bisa dibilang g tau ya???
aQ mang g trlalu ngefans ma artis2/band2...
BiasaNy yang aQ suka  cuma hasil karya mereka aj...

so...what's the soundtrack of u'r life???

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This is virtual world. Tapi, inilah tempat yang justru membuat diri kita bisa sejenak melepaskan topeng-topeng dan jubah kepalsuan di dunia nyata. So, this is the real me, yang tak pernah ku tunjukkan kepada kenyataanku. Mari saling berbagi dan bercerita tentang hidup. Feel free to leave your comment. I am not too creative to reply the comments. So, sometimes i don't reply it. But, Please believe that i definitely read your single comment and really appreciate it.